Health Action New Mexico

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December 1st is Giving Tuesday – a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season.  It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support non-profit organizations like Health Action New Mexico.

Today we invite you to pause and consider supporting Health Action New Mexico on the kickoff of Giving Tuesday as we work to increase access to oral health care and connect our New Mexico families to affordable to health care.  

Please support Health Action New Mexico.  Our goal is to raise additional funding for consumer outreach to the hardest to reach communities-including families in New Mexico’s border region.  We make sure consumers, their concerns and needs are at the table in campaigns like the consumer-led movement to expand access and affordability of dental care and expanding health coverage to all people in New Mexico.

With your help we know we can get there.  Please share this link via email or on you social media with the hash tag to spread the word about this wonderful day and our important work to increase access to affordable health are.


Best wishes during this holiday season,
Health Action New Mexico



Health Action