Health Action New Mexico

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What Health Action NM's Staff Are Reading This Week: July 5-10

This week, Health Action NM pulled together the facts on Medicaid.  Legislators are considering how best to pay for 5% of the cost of expanding Medicaid starting in 2017.  Before that discussion takes place, it is important to know how crucial Medicaid is for the health of New Mexico's people and economy.  
  1. FACT: Medicaid saves lives. Watch Guida's story.

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  2. FACT: The return on investment for Medicaid Expansion in New Mexico is $4.8 billion - $8.6 billion in economic activity from 2014-2020
  3. FACT: Medicaid has provided the security of health coverage to 216,000+ ppl in New Mexico

  4. FACT: In 2010, Medicaid generated $4.8 billion in economic activity for New Mexico
  5. FACT: Medicaid greatly improves the financial security of its beneficiaries 
  6. FACT: Medicaid is a tremendous investment in kids and more than pays itself off down the line
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  7. FACT: Medicaid reduces mortality and improves access to care 
  8. FACT: Medicaid provides more comprehensive coverage than private insurance at a much lower cost
  9. FACT: The Medicaid Expansion has already ADDED $60 million in new revenue for New Mexico
  10. FACT: Medicaid is the most cost efficient and effective form of health coverage in the US 
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  11. FACT: 53% of new jobs are in the health care sector, which was largely driven by the Medicaid expansion 
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Health Action