Health Action New Mexico

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On Giving Tuesday, give the gift of health





The Health Action NM team is grateful for the support you have given us over the years. Your generous contributions make our work possible. We hope this year, you will continue to support our organization.

As you know, Health Action NM works tirelessly to pursue a positive vision of health care in our state. That vision is that every single person in New Mexico has affordable, accessible, accountable health care. Over the past year, we have not only taken on efforts to protect our coverage gains, but also laid the groundwork for a positive agenda.

Now we’re ready to take action. Health Action NM has an ambitious agenda for the upcoming legislative session, including:

But we can’t do it without your support. Your donation can have a positive impact on the lives of thousands of people in New Mexico.

Barbara Webber
Executive Director of Health Action NM


Health Action