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NM Voices for Children’s recap of the session

New Mexico Voices for Children focused on education, economic issues and health care this year — but did not have best session for its priorities passing, especially in the last-minute tax package that controversially cleared the legislature.

“It was not really given a fair hearing,” NM Voices for Children Policy Director Bill Jordan told NM Telegram in a short interview, speaking of the omnibus tax bill. “It was not given an FIR. That’s pretty unprecedented, and pretty poor procedurally to move a tax bill of that magnitude in a few minutes without an FIR and without a debate is, I think irresponsible.”

Jordan said that the portions of the bill that NM Voices for Children approved of were actually fixes to tax bills from last year — including the high wage tax credit which ended up costing the state more than was predicted by the fiscal impact report.

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