Health Action New Mexico

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Health outreach needed

I want to thank The New Mexican for publishing the editorial, (“Outreach is key for state’s health care reform efforts,” June 16). The opinion piece got it exactly right. New Mexico is a unique state in that so much of our population is rural, and each rural community is in itself unique. Outreach efforts that might work in more urban states are not likely to work here.

As far as enrollment for Medicaid and the New Mexico marketplace, the focus must be kept on an on-the-ground outreach strategy. We need real people talking to leadership out in the communities so they can become familiar with these programs and their enrollment requirements. This way, all communities can have the capacity to help their own people enroll and overcome obstacles.

This is the effort that Health Action New Mexico is preparing to set forth in the coming weeks and months.

Maria Perez

Santa Fe

Health Action New Mexico

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