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Medicaid Recepient Re-applies: Fingers Crossed!

Esperanza Dodge Albuquerque created on Mon November 25, 2013



My name is Esperanza Dodge and I live in Albuquerque New Mexico. I have a six year old son and when I was pregnant with him, I started getting on Medicaid.

The first time I applied for Medicaid, I'm not really sure why, but I was denied for making too much. I had just graduated college and had a part time job. Then I lost that job, and when I went to apply for Food Stamps the case worker (although I didn't check off that I wanted to apply for Medicaid) said, "You're already elligable for food stamps, why not Medicaid?" So, I applied. And then I got an acceptance letter that said, "Congratulations! You are now elligable for Medicaid." Pregnancy related Medicaid. When my son was born, we started on Family Medicaid. And ever since we've been on Family Medicaid. It's been really helpful for me, because as a mother and as a woman, I'm able to provide for myself and get myself checked up, and anything that is healthcare related I know that I can cover it. When I'm sick I don't have to think, "Oh, I can't go to the doctor because I don't have coverage."

And as a mother it's the same exact story. I remember one time my son's breathing was really really bad, and he was starting to turn kind of blue, and I thought, "What is going on!?" And so I took him into the ER, and I didn't have to think about the bill, all I had to think about was him and his safety. And it turns out he had Asthma. He's had ongoing treatments with his nebulizer and his inhaler, and he has an action plan at school for his asthma. That's why Medicaid has been so helpful to keep him healthy and safe. I have his nebulizer at home and his school has his inhaler just in case, and so I can feel safe when he's at home or at school, and I don't have to take him to the ER.

However, after this month, my Medicaid is going to expire. What happened was: I recently reapplied for Medicaid (now that they've expanded their income guidelines) to see if I qualified for coverage starting in January of next year. Since I work with Young Women United, I'm able to hear a lot about how to apply for healthcare/Medicaid. Otherwise I wouldn't know how to navigate that process. Actually, a coworker of mine is in a lot of different circles that talk about healthcare and Medicaid. She came back to me and said, "I think with the expansion, you can get covered. Even your son." Then, I talked to the Center on Law and Poverty and they told me, "Did you know you can apply online? So, when I heard that I could apply online I decided that was the route I was going to take, because it seems much easier with working a full time job, being a mother; tt just seemed like a simpler process than to go in person. I went online and answered all the questions, and just went from there and submitted my application a few weeks ago. I haven't heard anything back. When I go onto the portal, it still says it's still expiring by the end of November. I doesn't allow you to look ahead; only today and in the past. I hope to hear soon though.