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School-clinic nurse becomes advocate

Ingrid H. Española, NM created on Wed May 15, 2013

Ingrid is a nurse by trade and has been practicing for decades. She runs school-based clinics in Española. She is good at what she does, but when I met with her to talk about a possible cooperative effort with the school-based clinics, it was clear that she was looking to learn more about health reform, what is going on with Medicaid, how many people are uninsured, etc. She is a nurse who does nursing. After talking with her about health reform and all these things, she is now an avid health reform advocate in her community. Having this new information gave her a great sense of empowerment and she now feels she can help her patients so much more. She goes to the playground with her grandkids and makes it a point to talk to other parents/grandparents about health reform and what they can do to get involved.