Terrestia Taos created on Tue December 3, 2013
My name is Terresita. I live in Taos, NM. I am 62 years old. I’ve lived in Taos all my life, since I was born. I’m a widow. I’ve been getting the health coverage, since I started getting my widow disability. My health coverage was with Presbyterian. They sent me a letter saying they were going to take away my Medicare A and B. I go to the doctor’s, I have a very bad leg. They are afraid I’m going to have to have surgery. But, they gave me medication for now.
I was kind of confused. I wanted to know why they took me off Medicare. I wanted to know if I could re-enroll to get insurance. I heard about this event from my sister. She heard about it on the radio.
My next step is to follow up with the person that said they were going to be at El Centro to take in some paperwork and start processing. All I need to bring is my income, proof of ID, statement of the bank, and that’s it. I’m looking forward to getting covered.
The outcome is that hopefully everything will work out for me, and I will get everything I need. That would be very wonderful for me. It would be a good start.